Welcome to virtualprayercircles


Why virtual?
The virtual nature of this venue is obvious. Virtual will never substitute for real time, personal, pumps on the pavement prayer connections. However, this is a venue to connect us when up close and personal is not possible. A virtual connection is better than no connection.

Why prayer circles?
For as long as I can remember, I have been a part of prayer circles. When you need prayer, we often put you in the middle of a circle of believers and gather around to pray. Mark Batterson’s recent book, The Circle Maker has brought our prayer circles into sharp focus. The prayer circle is about agreeing together about a specific need.

For sometime I have wanted to connect Potomac Ministry Network Women in Ministry in a prayer effort.

We are better together than we are separately. Nothing compares to focused prayer. I believe our prayers for one another are necessary and effective.  Our partnership in prayer will make a difference in the situations and people we pray for.

While the original target audience is WIM of Potomac Ministry Network, I hope over the weeks and months to come, this network of prayer will expand well beyond these borders.

You should always pray and never give up. Jesus
Luke 18:1